What can service robots do for your business?
Most of us have dreamed of a future where we get to interact with robots. Not only could these robots do all the boring chores we need doing, but the robots of our imaginations can also function as a bodyguard, nanny, personal assistant and substitute parent when needed. Films such as the Star Wars series with feisty R2D2 and the adorable C3PO, not to mention the movie Big Hero Six’s cuddlesome Baymax, only confirmed the popularity of the trusty robot sidekick.
While we might not quite be there yet, robotics is making huge strides. Robots are transforming from small, useful tools that work tirelessly on assembly lines into something more like the stuff of our dreams: autonomous, mobile and – perhaps most importantly – humanoid in shape, with language and comprehension skills that makes interacting with them a more authentic experience. And this is something service robots are bringing to the service industry already…
What can service robots do for your business?
If you cannot wait for the future to arrive, why not get a jump start by investigating the new and exciting world of service robots? Primarily designed to help with the smooth running of events and exhibitions, you can hire a robot waitress, enlist the help of robot photography or have information robots guide your guests to their tables or show them around the facilities.
Discreet comprehensive event photography
Robot photography is a cutting-edge innovation, as the robots work by facial recognition to find your most honoured guests, and can ensure that plenty of photographs are taken of them at your exhibition or gala event to boost your publicity. What’s more, robot photographers can glide quietly around the room, snapping shots of your guests that will be more candid and natural than they might otherwise be with a human photographer breaking into their conversations or attracting their attention when trying to be surreptitious. The results can then be used for future successful marketing and promotional campaigns.
A memorable meal

Robot Waitress for Events and Parties
Having robot waitresses is a boon to any business looking to provide a unique experience for their guests while also wanting to create a slightly otherworldly ambience in order to launch and sell their own cutting-edge product. Being waited on by a machine that has a humanoid appearance will ignite a sense of childlike wonder and marvel in your guests, and really add to the level of interest in your company’s innovations.
These service robots can be programmed with customised information to aid business opportunities of all types. If you are thinking about setting up a company, using robots or otherwise, you can arrange for purchase or rental of the service robots that best suit your needs.